Privacy Policy
1. Legal information
The details of the website owner are as follows
LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando
Rue du Bourg 37, 1816 Chailly-Montreux, Switzerland
2. Intellectual property
The intellectual property rights of the website and the different design elements, as well as its content, are owned by LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando.
It is strictly forbidden to make any alteration to this page. LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando accepts no liability whatsoever for any unauthorised manipulation or alteration. LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando does not grant any licence or authorisation of use of any kind over its industrial and intellectual property rights or over any other property or right related to the website, the services or the contents.
The total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website without citing its origin or without requesting express authorisation to do so is prohibited. The unauthorised use of the information contained in this web site, as well as the damages caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando will give rise to the corresponding actions and, where appropriate, to the liabilities arising from this exercise.
3. Conditions of use
This website has been created by LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando, with informative character for your personal and free use.
a) Lawful use
The user of this website and its services undertakes to use it in accordance with the laws and customs of the trade, and will refrain from using the website and its services for illicit purposes or effects or which are harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or which in any way may damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the website and the services or impede the normal use or enjoyment of the website and the services by the users. Those who breach this obligation shall be liable to LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando and to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a consequence of the breach of this obligation.
b) Error guarantee
LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando does not guarantee the non-existence of errors in accessing the website, or in its content; in the event that official publications are cited or reproduced, said reproduction shall be merely informative and the publication in the corresponding official bulletin or source shall be considered valid for all purposes.
c) Service availability
LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained in its website or in its configuration or presentation.
LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the website and the services. Whenever reasonably possible, prior warning will be given of any interruptions in the operation of the website and the services.
LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the web site and the services, to the lack of usefulness that users may have attributed to the web site and the services, to the fallibility of the web site and the services, and in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in access to the different web pages or those from which the services are provided.
4. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The use of this website is governed by Swiss law, regardless of the user’s legal environment. Any dispute that may arise in the interpretation of these conditions will be resolved in the courts of the place where LF Conseils Juridiques Ferrara Orlando has established its activity.